Secure DLMS/COSEM communication for Next Generation Advanced Metering Infrastructure

  • Pudi Shanmukesh
  • Lagineni Mahendra
  • Katta JaganMohan
  • R.K.Senthil Kumar
  • B.S. Bindhumadhava
Keywords: DLMS-COSEM; smart meters; power system; security; Advanced Metering Infrastructure


Power System infrastructure is one of the critical components of any nation. The automation of the power system is essential for the reliable and secure operation of the grid. Data plays a vital role in any automated system. So, data security should be inherently present in any automated system for the proper operation of the available components. For the automation of metering system, Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) is being deployed in the power system. A smart meter is a critical component of AMI, whose data is used for load forecasting, scheduling, billing, and energy management. DLMS-COSEM acts as an application layer protocol for meter data exchange. This paper provides a detailed understanding of the DLMS-COSEM communication vulnerabilities, communication attack scenarios, high-security features, authentication procedures and suggests the best methodologies to be followed by a client or third-party system while communicating to the DLMS-COSEM servers in order to have a secure data exchange.


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How to Cite
Shanmukesh, P., Mahendra, L., JaganMohan, K., Kumar, R., & Bindhumadhava, B. (2021). Secure DLMS/COSEM communication for Next Generation Advanced Metering Infrastructure. Asian Journal For Convergence In Technology (AJCT) ISSN -2350-1146, 7(1), 92-98.

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