Breast Cancer Detection Using Supervised Machine Learning Algorithm

  • Shashidhar R
  • Arunakumari B N
  • Naziya Farheen H S
  • Puneeth S B
  • Santhosh Kumar R
  • Roopa M
Keywords: Breast cancer, machine learning, X-ray, random forests algorithm.


The most commonly causing cancer among Indian women is breast cancer and it effecting all over world with its impact. According to the medical reports of breast cancer patients in India were unable to hold the pain and about half of them are dying. In the proposed work used a machine learning algorithm to decrease the pre-processing time and to detection the symptoms and for better accuracy. The system is trained pre-processed image of fed to the system which are in the form of mammograms in common the X-ray of breast. The system which has the data segregated into the training and testing datasets analyses the input images based on the characters or the labels assigned to them done with the application of few of the algorithms which are present in the machine learning we compare the data or the image and probable output based on the character labels is obtained in the form of result. Compared to existing work and the proposed machine learning model as a serious of combination and permutations of algorithms lead to increase in the efficacy of the result and got the accuracy of 97.4% using random forests algorithm.


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How to Cite
R, S., B N, A., H S, N. F., S B, P., R, S. K., & M, R. (2020). Breast Cancer Detection Using Supervised Machine Learning Algorithm. Asian Journal For Convergence In Technology (AJCT) ISSN -2350-1146, 6(3), 26-31.

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