Call for Papers

Asian Society for Scientific Research (ASSR) is a registered independent organization, dedicated to improve the quality of Research Education.

AJCT is Published under Asian Society for Scientific Research (ASSR) .This Society is dedicated to Improve the quality of Research Education. ASSR has taken responsibly to educate some of Orphan Child. The 2% of Journal publication fees will be given to child education Fund.

Asian Journal of Convergence of Technology (AJCT ) is an open access international journal peer reviewed online journal that publishes articles in the field of

Asian Journal of Convergence of Technology is an open access international journal peer reviewed online journal that publishes articles in the following field but not limited to, the following: (Updated call for papers 2021 Onward)

Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning

Data Science & Engineering

Computing Technologies

Computational Intelligence

Communication & Networking

Signal & Image Processing

RF Circuits, Systems and Antennas

Devices, Circuits, Materials and Processing

Power, Energy and Power Electronics

Robotics, Control, Instrumentation and Automation

Autonomous Vehicles and Systems

Biomedical Engineering and Healthcare Technologies

AJCT , the only English Language Journal, is an international forum for scientists and engineers in all aspects of Engineering & Technology to publish high quality and refereed papers. The papers for publication in AJCT are selected through rigorous peer reviews to ensure originality, timeliness, relevance, and readability. While it emphasizes publication of previously unpublished materials, selected conference papers with exceptional merit that require wider exposure are, at the discretion of the editors, also published provided they meet the journal’s peer review standard.

AJCT also seeks clearly written survey and review original articles from experts in the field to promote insightful understanding of the state-of-the-art and the technology trends.


Frequency: 3 issues per year Subject Category: Science & Technology

1. April Issue       2. Augest issue       3. December Issue

ISSN: 2350-1146 (online version)