Simulation of Drainage cleaning Robotics system using solid work Tinkercad software

  • Mobina Salim Sanadi
  • Priyanka Sardar Satpute
  • Mazharhussain N. Mestri
Keywords: tinkercad solid work software, pulse width modulation (PWM) ATmega2560 microcontroller. Simulation, Motor Driver IC (Integrated Circuit), pulse width modulation (PWM). DCRS (drainage cleaning robotic system).


In this paper we are designing simulation using tinkercad solid work software for simulation. In simulation we used pulse width modulation (PWM) to provide very smooth action and speed varieties .for PWM pulse we used ATmega2560 microcontroller.

In this design we used robotic system which can reduce the complex mechanism for cleaning the will give a clear understanding of the manipulator and its subsystem interactions.


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How to Cite
Sanadi, M. S., Satpute, P. S., & Mestri, M. N. (2021). Simulation of Drainage cleaning Robotics system using solid work Tinkercad software. Asian Journal For Convergence In Technology (AJCT) ISSN -2350-1146, 7(1), 17-19.

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