Mobility Management in Vehicular Adhoc Network based on RSA Algorithm

  • Pallavi Sapkale
  • Uttam Kolekar
  • Moresh Mukhedkar
Keywords: Vehicle ad-hoc network(VANET); long term evolution(LTE); handover; RSU node; Mobility management; RSA.


Vehicular Ad-hoc Network (VANET) is become very popular in academia as well as in industry. The important characteristics of VANET faces difficulties on network issues. Specifically the mobility management will helpful to provide a seamless connectivity and improve the Quality of service. So we present an overview of mobility management in VANET based on RSA algorithm. During vehicle to vehicle communication driver do not want to share his personal information like vehicle names, license, number plate, speed position, moving port routes and user information. To protect all the information and save from any external attacks such algorithm is effective. Devised work is also useful and helpful to find the cause of accident or   any liabilities. Recent work on mobility management is discussed in this paper. Proposed work includes an ID based crypto system for valid user. For this paper we are implementing RSA algorithm. In which data is encrypted and then the data is converted to cipher text and then decrypted with a private key. And the receiver will get original data.


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How to Cite
Sapkale, P., Kolekar, U., & Mukhedkar, M. (2021). Mobility Management in Vehicular Adhoc Network based on RSA Algorithm. Asian Journal For Convergence In Technology (AJCT) ISSN -2350-1146, 7(1), 44-48.

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