Performance Analysis of Dimensionality Reduction Techniques in Cancer Detection using Microarray Data

  • Swati B. Bhonde
  • Dr. Jayashree R. Prasad
Keywords: Cancer prediction, deep learning, dimensionality reduction, precision medicine, gene expressions


Cancer is one of the major causes of deaths worldwide. This disease is more ghastly as it doesn’t announce itself until it reaches in an advance stage. Still, mortality rate for cancer can be decreased if we diagnose & provide treatment at earliest. Though there are traditional clinical trials to predict a cancer there does not a single test which can correctly identify this disease. In the recent years DNA Microarray technology has been significantly used to analyze & predict the cancer. Analysis of gene expressions is not only interesting but also challenging as it is not only the concern of accuracy but also matter of life or death of a patient. DNA Microarray data is high dimensional, noisy & redundant, it makes task of classification more complicated as high computational cost is involved. Therefore feature selection & feature reduction becomes important task prior to classification. This paper presents comparative performance analysis of different dimensionality reduction techniques implemented on TCGA PANCANCER dataset.


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How to Cite
Bhonde, S. B., & Prasad, D. J. R. (2021). Performance Analysis of Dimensionality Reduction Techniques in Cancer Detection using Microarray Data. Asian Journal For Convergence In Technology (AJCT) ISSN -2350-1146, 7(1), 53-57.

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