Smart Grid System and Efficient Location Finder for Renewable Power Plant based on One Sun One World One Grid

  • Jyoti Mante Khurpade
  • Vaibhav Kailas Gurap
  • Rudra Pramod Chopde
  • Aditya Pravin Chandsare
  • Omkar Ramdas Irole
Keywords: One Sun One World One Grid(OSOWOG), Machine Learning, Neural Networks.


Fossil fuels are the main source of energy and also one of the main contributor for Global Warming. Use of these fossil fuels can be replaced by Clean energy sources such as Solar, Wind, Hydro, etc. With the view of increasing the use of Clean energy, a project named One Sun One World One Grid has been launched by the Government of India. The One Sun One World One Grid(OSOWOG) is based on a mantra “The Sun Never Sets for the whole World” hence we can generate round the clock electricity from the Sun. The one of the major problem in this OSOWOG project is switching between renewable and conventional sources of energy as it requires skill manpower at every main grid.  In this paper,  two methods are proposed by which such projects can be accomplished with less manpower and in a cost efficient way. The first system is an Smart Grid System and the second system is an Efficient location finder for Renewable Power Plants. These both systems will be build using Neural Networks.


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How to Cite
Khurpade, J. M., Gurap, V. K., Chopde, R. P., Chandsare, A. P., & Irole, O. R. (2021). Smart Grid System and Efficient Location Finder for Renewable Power Plant based on One Sun One World One Grid. Asian Journal For Convergence In Technology (AJCT) ISSN -2350-1146, 7(1), 134-136.

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