Design and Implementation of Artificial Intelligence Powered Agriculture Multipurpose Robot using Raspberry Pi

  • Vaishnavi D. Patil
  • Kashim R. Basaragi
Keywords: Artificial intelligence (AI), Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Robotics Technology


The agriculture field faces many problems such as crop diseases problem, pest outbreak problems, water problems, weeds, large use of fertilizer, and many more. These problems lead to crop loss, economic loss and also cause severe environmental problems due to the current agriculture practices. The AI and Robot Technologies had the potential to solve these problems very smartly. As agriculture is a dynamic sector, the problems in agriculture are not mid-core by AI and robotics, and a specific solution is provided to an expressly daedal problem. Diversity of systems have been developed to minimize and provide a better approach to the world. This paper contains significant contributions used to address the challenges that agriculture faces and through AI and robotic technology we eliminate problems.


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How to Cite
Patil, V. D., & Basaragi, K. R. (2021). Design and Implementation of Artificial Intelligence Powered Agriculture Multipurpose Robot using Raspberry Pi. Asian Journal For Convergence In Technology (AJCT) ISSN -2350-1146, 7(1), 155-158.

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