Detection and prevention of Phishing Attacks

  • Abu Saad Choudhary
  • Rucha Desai
  • Lavkush Gupta
  • Madhuri Gedam
Keywords: Phishing Attack; URL; Real Time Model; Phishing Detection


Phishing is one amongst the main issues visaged by cyber-world and ends up in monetary losses for each industries and people. Detection of phishing attack with high accuracy has forever been a difficult issue. At present, visual similarities-based techniques square measure terribly helpful for police work phishing websites expeditiously. Phishing web site appearance terribly similar in look to its corresponding legitimate web site to deceive users into basic cognitive process that they are browsing the right web site. Visual similarity primarily based phishing detection techniques utilize the feature set like text content, text format, HTML tags, Cascading sheet (CSS), image, then forth, to form the choice. These approaches compare the suspicious web site with the corresponding legitimate web site by victimisation numerous options and if the similarity is larger than the predefined threshold price then it is declared phishing [2].


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How to Cite
Choudhary, A. S., Desai, R., Gupta, L., & Gedam, M. (2021). Detection and prevention of Phishing Attacks. Asian Journal For Convergence In Technology (AJCT) ISSN -2350-1146, 7(1), 193-196.

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