Control of Hybrid Energy Storage System for Hybrid Electric Vehicles using Uniform Continuous Higher Order Sliding Mode Control

  • Prasanth K Prasad
  • Ramesh Kumar P
Keywords: Electric vehicles (EV), Hybrid energy storage system (HESS), Uniform continuous higher order sliding mode controller (UCHOSMC), Battery-super capacitor.


The goal of this paper is to control a fully active hybrid energy storage System (HESS) with a battery and super capacitor (SC) by introducing an uniform higher order sliding mode control. The system parameters to be tracked are the battery and SC current. To track the reference values of battery and SC currents, an uniform continuous higher order sliding mode controller (UCHOSMC) is applied which is a combination of two controllers one is an uniform super twisting control for disturbance rejection and other is uniform time convergence for a disturbance free system. Current references to be tracked
are generated by a rule-based energy management system, the stability of the system is validated using Lyapunov stability analysis. The simulation results show the robustness of the controller with an effective tracking of the reference values under different load conditions.


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How to Cite
Prasad, P. K., & Kumar P, R. (2021). Control of Hybrid Energy Storage System for Hybrid Electric Vehicles using Uniform Continuous Higher Order Sliding Mode Control. Asian Journal For Convergence In Technology (AJCT) ISSN -2350-1146, 7(1), 202-208.

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