A Novel Approach Towards Prediction of Mosquito-Borne Diseases

  • Gresha Bhatia
  • Shravan Bhat
  • Vivek Choudhary
  • Aditya Deopurkar
  • Sahil Talreja
Keywords: vector-borne diseases, data mining, deep learning, environmental factors


Communicable diseases, particularly vector-borne diseases, are a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. In the age of big data, answering broad-scale, basic issues regarding the nuanced nature of these diseases would increasingly necessitate the synthesis of diverse datasets to produce new biological information. Data mining and deep learning have the potential to make important advances in understanding fundamental aspects of vector-host-pathogen interactions, and their use in this area should be welcomed. Data mining and machine learning approaches such as deep learning lag in this area and should be used in conjunction with existing methods to speed hypothesis and information generation. Deep learning is used in this research to forecast mosquito-borne diseases based on environmental factors.


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How to Cite
Bhatia, G., Bhat, S., Choudhary, V., Deopurkar, A., & Talreja, S. (2021). A Novel Approach Towards Prediction of Mosquito-Borne Diseases. Asian Journal For Convergence In Technology (AJCT) ISSN -2350-1146, 7(1), 209-212. https://doi.org/10.33130/AJCT.2021v07i01.041

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