Design the Boost Converter of Solar Photovoltaic Power System
In this paper, DC modulators are designed that raise the constant voltage to the operating values and that feed the loads The electrical elements that make up the lifter are designed for DC voltage. The main components are designed, which consists of three main phases connected in series with each other. The first stage contains an electric coil that is designed with specific specifications according to the requirements of the load. It also contains a suitable IGBT electronic key selected according to the specifications of the load. The three phases that make up the device are completely identical. The operating strategy of the various electronic switches is compatible with the load operation strategy and specifications. Feeding the step-up device from a group of batteries designed according to the needs of the load. And connect the batteries in series according to the needs of the designer. And the output voltage of the device is controlled at a constant value. This device feeds the DC/AC voltage changer, which in turn feeds the previous load. Determine the level of constant voltage 320VDC to obtain an alternating voltage of 220VAC. The electronic switches are controlled at each stage according to the strategy designed for operation. This strategy was programmed and placed in the memory of the microcontroller, where the Arduino was chosen for this purpose. This type was chosen for its simplicity and ease of programming and operation.
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