The use of IoT to solve Farming Problems

  • Prashobh Karunakaran
  • Shanthi Karunakaran
  • Mohammad Shahril Osman
  • Sreeja Haridas
  • Prashanth Karunakaran
  • Arjun Karunakaran
Keywords: Hydroponics, IoT, drip irrigation, wick irrigation, photovoltaic energy.


As with every other field, IoT is moving into farming, providing plants with the right amount of water, nutrients, sunlight and heat.  Though historically planting has always been in soil, they do not consume SiO2.  Water and nutrients can be supplied if the roots are in a container of water and the plants are provided mechanical support; such hydroponics have achieved 30-50% faster growth, utilizing much less space/output, using 1000% less water and light either from the sun through greenhouses or from LEDs.  Such systems have enabled the tiny country of Netherlands to become the second largest exporter of food in the world.  If such technologies are exported, the world will be free from the ever-worrisome food crisis.  For this research, tomato plants were grown in a coco pit mixed with perlite in four Dutch buckets and compared to the control plants grown in pots left in the prevailing environment outside and watered daily.  The variables monitored are moisture, temperature, pH and nutrient levels.  Data from sensors were sent to a laptop over Bluetooth.  The usage of solar panels to power the system was also studied.  The result indicates a 34 - 67% better characteristics for the plants grown with the modern techniques compared to the control.   


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How to Cite
Karunakaran, P., Karunakaran, S., Osman, M. S., Haridas, S., Karunakaran, P., & Karunakaran, A. (2022). The use of IoT to solve Farming Problems. Asian Journal For Convergence In Technology (AJCT) ISSN -2350-1146, 8(3), 54-60.

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