Face Recognition Using Combined DRLBP & SIFT Features Using Arduino Uno 328
In this paper, face recognition is proposed using combined DRLBP and SIFT features with the help of ARDUINO UNO 328 for high efficient signal transfer system applications. The aim of this research is to develop a nonreal-life application of a security lock system employing a face recognition methodology. DRLBP is chosen for the face recognition algorithmic program. Arduino microcontroller is employed to represent the response to face identification. USB serial communication is employed to interface between the MATLAB and Arduino UNO Microcontroller. First, the image of the individual is captured then the captured image is then transferred to the information developed in MATLAB during this stage, the captured image compares to the training image within the database to see the individual standing. If the system acknowledges the individual as an authentication person or un-authentication person, the result is sent to the Arduino UNO microcontroller.
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