Wireless Client Device Finger printing

  • Sujathakumari B A
  • Abhishek P
Keywords: Access Point, Mac Address, DHCP, WLAN, User Equipment


Client device finger printing is method of identifying the client device type, operating system, Device vendor and other types of information which is connected to the wireless network. Also, it is the action of gathering device information to characterize it. This process generates a signature, also called a fingerprint, that describes the observed features of a device in a compact form. If the generated signature is distinctive enough, it may be used to identify a device. In the present developments where they are talking about internet of everything and bring your own device (BYOD) it is required for the enterprise to identify the devices connected to the network and mark them accordingly which may help the enterprise to avoid data leakage, unauthorized device connections and some other security violations. This paper gives the client fingerprinting types and new developed techniques to obtain the device details like device vendor, device operating system and device type.


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How to Cite
B A, S., & P, A. (2018). Wireless Client Device Finger printing. Asian Journal For Convergence In Technology (AJCT) ISSN -2350-1146, 4(3). Retrieved from https://asianssr.org/index.php/ajct/article/view/699

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