• Rachana Nagisetty
  • Sreeja Kandi.
  • Abhinaya Nagisetty.
  • Raju kumar Allurir
Keywords: Routing;Malicious nodes;Trust ;Attacks


Wireless networks are prone to a variety of attacks due to their open nature. In this paper, we have proposed a new algorithm for Trust embedded Ad-hoc On Demand Distance Vector (iT-AODV). Also, an extension for iT-AODV is introduced to withstand multiple attacks by malicious nodes (eT-AODV). Through experimental results, the proposed approach proved the network efficiency in terms of improved packet delivery ratio, hop by hop cost, trusted path distance and number of nodes to the destination. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme performs better than T-AODV.


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How to Cite
Nagisetty, R., Kandi., S., Nagisetty., A., & Allurir, R. (2018). ENHANCED T-AODV ROUTING PROTOCOL IN WIRELESS NETWORKS. Asian Journal For Convergence In Technology (AJCT) ISSN -2350-1146, 4(3). Retrieved from https://asianssr.org/index.php/ajct/article/view/701

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