• Greeshma satheesh
  • Prof.Anu G
Keywords: sensorless control method, BLDC motor, line to line Voltage, commutation.


This paper introduce a novel line to line voltage based sensorless control method for Brushless DC motor drive used in high speed, high power applications. The commutation signals for the six switch inverter are generated from the line to line voltage. In each phase commutation, two switches conduct corresponding to the truth table logic. Delay occurring in speed is compensated by the new compensation method. Selection of commutation logic in a parallel mode improves the efficiency of system by reducing the operation delay. Compared with the existing control methods the torque and current ripple of BLDC motor can be significantly reduced by using this proposed method. The whole system is evaluated in MATLAB- Simulink platform.



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How to Cite
satheesh, G., & G, P. (2018). LINE TO LINE VOLTAGE BASED SENSORLESS CONTROL FOR HIGH SPEED BLDC MOTOR. Asian Journal For Convergence In Technology (AJCT) ISSN -2350-1146, 4(3). Retrieved from

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