Indoor Location Detection of User using Radio Frequency of WiFi

  • Gulshan Sharma,
  • Jeevesh Awal
Keywords: (BLE


In the era of smart cities, there are a plethora of applications where the localization of indoor environments is important, from monitoring and tracking in smart buildings to proximity marketing and advertising in shopping malls. The success of these applications is based on the development of a cost efficient
and robust real-time system capable of accurately localizing objects. In most outdoor localization
systems, global positioning system (GPS) is used due to its ease of implementation and accuracy up to five
meters. However, due to the limited space that comes with performing localization of indoor environments
and the large number of obstacles found indoors, GPS is not a suitable option. Hence, accurately and
efficiently locating objects is a major challenge in indoor environments. Recent advancements in the
Internet of Things (IoT) along with novel wireless technologies can alleviate the problem. Small-size
and cost-efficient IoT devices which use wireless protocols can provide an attractive solution. In this
paper, we compare four wireless technologies for indoor localization: Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11n-2009 at the
2.4 GHz band), Bluetooth low energy, Zigbee, and long-range wide-area network. The received signal strength indicator (RSSI) values from Wi-Fi modality were used and trilateration was performed for localization.
The system predicts the location of the user within a room, and performs action based on the location of the user in the premises..


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How to Cite
Sharma, G., & Awal, J. (2018). Indoor Location Detection of User using Radio Frequency of WiFi. Asian Journal For Convergence In Technology (AJCT) ISSN -2350-1146, 4(3). Retrieved from

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