MAC Addresses Blacklist based on the user’s behaviour after connecting to the network

  • Miss. Husna Sabhat
  • Sujathakumari B A
Keywords: wireless LAN, security, RADIUS, MAC.


The advent of wireless LANs is a milestone in networking. The use of wireless LANs not only made data transferring or networking easy but also has increased the security threats. However, security is an alarming concern, as everything being transmitted through network where number of systems or devices are connected. Here the data or information is available “in the air”. Our work focuses on using existing protocols, standards, tools and technologies to implement security for wireless LAN. However, Security in a network needs to be implemented at multiple levels. Like SSID security, MAC address filtering, encryption and RADIUS based authentication of wireless clients. But our work mainly concentrates on MAC Address filtering, because MAC Address is unique 48 bit Address given by the vendor to every system.


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How to Cite
Sabhat, M. H., & B A, S. (2018). MAC Addresses Blacklist based on the user’s behaviour after connecting to the network. Asian Journal For Convergence In Technology (AJCT) ISSN -2350-1146, 4(3). Retrieved from

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