Thermal Behavior of Naturally Ventilated Buildings and their Energy Consumption

  • Aanchal Sharma
  • Gireendra Kumar
  • P.S. Chani
Keywords: Thermal Comfor; Energy Efficienc; Building Envelope; Adaptive Comfort Standard


Human behavior towards energy consuming
devices is guided by the thermal comfort of the built
environment. Many studies have shown that thermal discomfort
leads to higher energy consumption of a building. Achieving
thermal comfort is a challenging task especially in naturally
ventilated buildings. In this paper, field survey of exiting
naturally ventilated buildings was performed to analyze their
thermal behavior as per the adaptive model of thermal comfort
by ASHRAE. The key findings hint that measures are required to
improve the thermal comfort of the existing naturally ventilated
buildings and thereby improving the energy consumption.


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How to Cite
Sharma, A., Kumar, G., & Chani, P. (2019). Thermal Behavior of Naturally Ventilated Buildings and their Energy Consumption. Asian Journal For Convergence In Technology (AJCT) ISSN -2350-1146. Retrieved from

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