Symmetric Data encryption using trusted third party Objects in IOT

  • Prof.Rohini S. Hanchate
  • Prof.Sarika Kadam
Keywords: IOT, security, encryption, decryption, mixed encryption.


In modern period, the number of elegant things  are organized, typically referred to as “Internet of Things” (IoT) devices, is rapidly increasing due to almost infinite applications, which are rapidly getting part of the everyday life, such as wearable technologies, smart grid,  Smart Traffic Light System , smart cities,  smart transport etc..

In order to secure the communication between IoT devices and Internet servers, and guarantee to the customer’s on new emerging IoT technologies, efficient cryptographic mechanism is necessary. To achieve integrity and legitimacy there must be Authenticated Encryption (AE) algorithms applied to smart devices responsible for communication.


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How to Cite
S. Hanchate, P., & Kadam, P. (2018). Symmetric Data encryption using trusted third party Objects in IOT. Asian Journal For Convergence In Technology (AJCT) ISSN -2350-1146, 4(3). Retrieved from

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