• Akshaya Ghalimath
  • Pranali Shelke
  • Gauri Yelwankar
  • Akshay Nigade
Keywords: Requirements and design process of structural optimization etc


Structural optimization is examined from the viewpoint of structural design office practice. The costs and benefits of optimization are considered, as are the special requirements which practical design processes impose. Several design aid computer applications which use optimization methods are examined including simple structural element design, whole structure configuration and sizing for trusses and frames and some specialist applications for concrete bridge decks and small industrial buildings. Practical considerations such as the discreteness of the variables and the use of design aid programs within iterative design processes are considered. Appropriate optimization methods are suggested for each group of applications, emphasis in choice of method being placed upon the practicality of the resulting design. It is concluded that optimum design aid programs are now practicable for many design offices, speeding up the design time for a project and thus repaying capital and software costs. The writing of appropriate software is a vital element at present receiving too little attention.


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How to Cite
Ghalimath, A., Shelke, P., Yelwankar, G., & Nigade, A. (2019). AN INTRODUCTION TO OPTIMIZATION IN STRUCTURAL DESIGN. Asian Journal For Convergence In Technology (AJCT) ISSN -2350-1146, 4(3). Retrieved from

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