Development of cost and time engineering system in construction projects

  • Mayuresh Sutar
  • Hemant Salunkhe
Keywords: — Construction, Cost, Investment, Management, Resources, Time.


To give proper shape to the methodological basis of professional construction management it is possible to discuss about a new direction in the development of the construction pricing and the development of cost and time management system in construction (cost  and time engineering in construction) integrating the assessment of investment costs, estimated pricing, estimated project scheduling, contract pricing, evaluation of the actual construction costs, and enabling to connect and manage the previous cost and time engineering  processes. At the same time the concept of cost and time engineering systems in construction fixes the engineering, technical and technological basis of all processes directly or indirectly related to the definition of construction costs and to interpret the effects of cost and time engineering systems on construction projects. This represents the ‘considerations on the creation and implementation of cost and time engineering systems in construction at the national, territorial and corporate levels to achieve maximum utilization of resources, materials, machines, facilities manpower and money. ­­­­


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How to Cite
Sutar, M., & Salunkhe, H. (2019). Development of cost and time engineering system in construction projects. Asian Journal For Convergence In Technology (AJCT) ISSN -2350-1146, 4(3). Retrieved from

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