Analytical Analysis of Relationship among Modal Parameters of Rigid Flange Coupling

  • A.Asma Shaheen Shaikh
  • Dr. Santosh Taji
  • Avinash Verma
Keywords: Modal Analysis, Natural Frequency, Vibrations.


As a structural analysis is not enough for safe, efficient and durable design of coupling. Therefore modal analysis is conducted to analyze effect of material damping, rotational speed, as well as design of coupling in order to resonance. Though modal analysis system mode shape, natural frequency can be predicted. Determination of natural frequency is helpful to operate system at safer external frequencies to occurrence of resonance. The study has been undertaken to investigate the relationship among modal parameters of rigid flange coupling to optimize the design. The effect on modal parameters of rigid flange coupling having fixed support at the two ends is studied by varying the diameter, material and power to the shaft. Analytical analysis has been carried out referring the standard procedure of design and vibration.


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How to Cite
Shaikh, A. S., Taji, D. S., & Verma, A. (2019). Analytical Analysis of Relationship among Modal Parameters of Rigid Flange Coupling. Asian Journal For Convergence In Technology (AJCT) ISSN -2350-1146, 4(3). Retrieved from

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