Design of Semi-Automatic Roof Cleaning Machine

  • Rohit Patil
  • Dr. M H Nadaf
  • Shiva Krishna J
Keywords: Roof Cleaning, Reliable slope


Roof cleaning is the process of removing algae, mold, lichen and moss from roofs.Cleaning of roof becomes very difficult when the height of the roof is very high also the surface of the roof becomes slippery during rainy season.To design and fabricate a semi-automatic roof cleaning machine which is capable of cleaning dirt, grime, algae etc. on roof having reliable slope. Enabling the machine in accessing hard to reach areas on the roof and at higher altitudes. To make the controlling of the machine user friendly such that person with less technical knowledge is able to use it. To make a machine which will take care of safety of persons, save time and also shouldn’t damage roof structure.This method of roof cleaning can be used for cleaning roof of hotels, offices etc. which will give more appealing look. This method is suitable for small, medium as well as for large roof cleaning.


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How to Cite
Patil, R., Nadaf, D. M. H., & Krishna J, S. (2019). Design of Semi-Automatic Roof Cleaning Machine. Asian Journal For Convergence In Technology (AJCT) ISSN -2350-1146, 4(3). Retrieved from

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