• A.C. Mundhe
  • P. T. Jadhav
  • A. A. Titirmare
Keywords: TRMM data, QGIS, spatial distribution, IMD


India is heavily dependent on the monsoon rainfall for agriculture. In India about 46% of net sown area is irrigated land and 54% is dependent on monsoon and rains from clouds. It is therefore necessary to study distribution of rainfall which helps in water management i.e. making availability of water required for the cropping season and dependability on rainfall during season. IMD generates its rainfall data for Maharashtra based on its approximately 878 rain gauging stations spread across the state. But, these rain gauge networks are insufficient to capture high spatial and temporal variability of precipitation system accurately. With the help of IMD data we can only get graphical representation of precipitation data. However, satellite rainfall estimates provide global coverage, provide information on rainfall frequency and intensity in regions that are inaccessible to other observing systems such as rain gauges and radar and also visualize rainfall distribution on any area with the help of map but it needs area-specific calibration and validation due to the indirect nature of the radiation measurements. TRMM Precipitation Radar provides the most accurate high resolution satellite based rainfall estimates to date. The present study is carried out over the Maharashtra state to understand the spatial distribution of rainfall. All methodologies have been run in the QGIS which is open source software. To achieve the objective, it is divided into two sections. First section includes TRMM Data collection and statistical calculation of precipitation data of Maharashtra state. In the second section rainfall distribution over study area through mapping is accomplished. From this study of rainfall distribution from the year 2010 to 2016 it has been interpreted that there is heavy rainfall in Konkan and Vidarbha region and poor rainfall in Marathwada region of Maharashtra.


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How to Cite
Mundhe, A., Jadhav, P. T., & Titirmare, A. A. (2019). SPATIAL ANALYSIS OF MONSOON RAINFALL OF MAHARASHTRA STATE USING REMOTE SENSING TRMM DATA AND QGIS. Asian Journal For Convergence In Technology (AJCT) ISSN -2350-1146, 4(3). Retrieved from

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