Comparative Analysis of Digital Elevation Models: A Case Study of Kayadhu Watershedle

  • O. A. Jadhav
  • T. V. Gharat
  • J. C. Pathave
  • V. V. Nikam
Keywords: QGIS, Cartosat-1 DEM, Google earth, SAGA, GRASS GIS.


In last few years, Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) have established more popular due to their diverse utility and applications in the fields like hydrology, forestry, precision farming, geomorphology etc. DEM is used for characterizing the topography and to derive the stream network, ridge line, thereby to study the landscape within the watershed area. DEMs from satellite imageries like Cartosat -1 is becoming popular with wide applications. The resolution is allowed for comparison is the DEM of ISRO (30m) (cartosat-1). These DEMs were created using different methods and technologies, and they can differ in how they represent the topography of the same area. This study shows that the differences in these DEMs and illustrates how these differences can produce various analytical outcomes when used to study local problems. The primary objective of this study is to compare the accuracy of Cartosat -1 DEM and DEM generated from Google earth. The google earth DEM is generated with the help of ‘Triangulation’ which is SAGA (System for Automated Geoscientific Analyses) tool. For the comparison of both the DEMs, Kayadhu watershed is taken as study area. The comparative analysis of DEM is carried out on the basis of the Stream network and contours of 5m, 10m and 15m interval with their respective lengths. The counts of contours of Cartosat -1 DEM for 5 m, 10 m and 15 m interval was found to be 27794, 27954 and 18184 respectively with contour lengths at that respective interval about 30503.2 km, 12803.7 km and 8421.45 km. The counts of contours of Google Earth DEM for 5 m, 10 m and 15 m interval was found to be 1485, 776 and 492 respectively with contour lengths at that respective interval about 8308.45 km, 4112 km and 2741 km.  From this study the stream counts of Cartosat-1 DEM and Google Earth DEM was found to be 34449 and 52668 with stream length about 432 km and 1134 km respectively.  This study has been carried out in open source environment viz. QGIS, SAGA, GRASS GIS and Google Earth. In this study, the Cartosat -1 DEM and Google earth DEM has minimum to maximum elevation from the mean sea level was found to be 336 m to 481 m and 408.7 m to 549.3m respectively. From the study, it is observed that Cartosat-1 DEM has more accuracy than DEM generated from Google Earth. Therefore, the Cartosat -1 DEM gives clear 3D topography than DEM generated from google earth.


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How to Cite
Jadhav, O. A., Gharat, T. V., Pathave, J. C., & Nikam, V. V. (2019). Comparative Analysis of Digital Elevation Models: A Case Study of Kayadhu Watershedle. Asian Journal For Convergence In Technology (AJCT) ISSN -2350-1146, 4(3). Retrieved from

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