Performance Analysis of Smoothing Techniques in context with Image Processing

  • Tejas G. Patil
  • S K. Kusekar
  • Masresha Adasho
Keywords: Image smoothing; Median filtering;Robust filtering; PSNR; Real time image.


Typical flow of an image processing application involve stages like pre-processing, feature extraction and classification or recognition. Image smoothing is one of the pre-processing tasks which balance the effect of noise while capturing the images in specific applications. Smoothing address poor quality of captured image by reducing the noise from it, thereby enhancing accuracy of pattern classification or recognition algorithm. Performance of some frequently used smoothing techniques viz–Median filtering, Gaussian filtering, Robust filtering and Mean filtering (averaging)is analyzed in this work. Sample high quality images are contaminated with predefined levels of Gaussian noise, Speckle noise and Impulse valued noise (salt and pepper noise) manually. Performance of mentioned smoothing techniques is also checked for real time captured images through webcam. Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) is used as quality metric to compare the versatility of one method with the other.  Entire experimentation is implemented on an i3 processor machine using Matlab14a. It is found that the Median filtering method outperforms all other three methods to address the effect of noise.


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How to Cite
Patil, T. G., Kusekar, S. K., & Adasho, M. (2019). Performance Analysis of Smoothing Techniques in context with Image Processing. Asian Journal For Convergence In Technology (AJCT) ISSN -2350-1146, 4(3). Retrieved from

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