An Innovation in Corona Charging of Electrets

  • Rameshwar Nath
  • Manju Mishra Patidar
  • Nand Kishore Ghodke
  • Sadan Chandra Das
  • V Ganesan
Keywords: charge injection, corona discharge, high voltage, ions, polymers, surface potential decay


An innovation in corona charging of electrets of polymer films has been adopted in locally designed and fabricated corona charging set up by replacing the regular high voltage DC power supply with a light, portable handy 3V-6V DC to DC 400kV boost step-up power module high voltage generator. Polymer film electrets of polyethylene transparency film have been corona charged using this innovative setup. The measurements were done and the results have been analyzed in the light of cited literature to show the effectiveness and advantage of the innovation.


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How to Cite
Nath, R., Patidar, M. M., Ghodke, N. K., Das, S. C., & Ganesan, V. (2020). An Innovation in Corona Charging of Electrets. Asian Journal For Convergence In Technology (AJCT) ISSN -2350-1146, 6(2), 28-32.

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