Image Fusion Using Pulse Coupled Network

  • Raghawendra Bhimarao Naik
  • Pavan N. Kunchur
  • Sadhana P. Bangarashetti
Keywords: MATLAB, Wavelet transform, Pulse Coupled Neural Network method.


The article based totally on the MATLAB software program simulation was carried out on the image fusion; to design and develop a MATLAB based image processing application for fusing two images of the similar scene received through other modalities. The application is required to use Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) and Pulse Coupled Neural Network (PCNN) techniques. The comparison is to be performed on the results obtained on the above-mentioned techniques.


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How to Cite
Naik, R. B., Kunchur, P. N., & Bangarashetti, S. P. (2020). Image Fusion Using Pulse Coupled Network. Asian Journal For Convergence In Technology (AJCT) ISSN -2350-1146, 6(3), 10-15.

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